home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* zmisc2.c */
- /* Miscellaneous Level 2 operators for Ghostscript */
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "ghost.h"
- #include "errors.h"
- #include "oper.h"
- #include "gsfont.h"
- #include "dict.h"
- #include "dparam.h"
- #include "dstack.h"
- #include "estack.h"
- #include "ilevel.h"
- #include "iname.h" /* for dict_find_name */
- #include "store.h"
- /* The (global) font directory */
- extern gs_font_dir *ifont_dir; /* in zfont.c */
- /* Import the Level 2 definitions directory from iinit.c. */
- extern ref ref_level2dict;
- #define level2dict (&ref_level2dict)
- /* Import the Level 1 'where' operator from zdict.c. */
- extern int zwhere(P1(os_ptr));
- /* The system parameter password */
- #define max_password 64 /* must be at least 11 */
- typedef struct password_s {
- uint size;
- byte data[max_password];
- } password;
- private password SystemParamsPassword = { 0 };
- /* Forward references */
- private int set_language_level(P1(int));
- private void names_to_stack(P3(os_ptr, const ref _ds * _ds *, int));
- private int dict_password_param(P3(const ref *, const ref *, password *));
- /* Names used for the 'where' hack. */
- static ref name_setcolor;
- static ref name_FreeHandDict;
- /* User parameter names. */
- static ref name_MaxFontItem;
- static ref name_MinFontCompress;
- static ref name_MaxOpStack;
- static ref name_MaxDictStack;
- static ref name_MaxExecStack;
- static ref name_MaxLocalVM;
- /* System parameter names. */
- static ref name_Password; /* (only in incoming dictionaries) */
- static ref name_SystemParamsPassword;
- static ref name_BuildTime;
- static ref name_ByteOrder;
- static ref name_RealFormat;
- static ref name_MaxFontCache;
- static ref name_CurFontCache;
- /* Initialization */
- private void
- zmisc2_init(void)
- {
- static const names_def uspn[] = {
- /* needed for 'where' */
- { "setcolor", &name_setcolor },
- { "FreeHandDict", &name_FreeHandDict },
- /* User parameters */
- { "MaxFontItem", &name_MaxFontItem },
- { "MinFontCompress", &name_MinFontCompress },
- { "MaxOpStack", &name_MaxOpStack },
- { "MaxDictStack", &name_MaxDictStack },
- { "MaxExecStack", &name_MaxExecStack },
- { "MaxLocalVM", &name_MaxLocalVM },
- /* System parameters */
- { "Password", &name_Password },
- { "SystemParamsPassword", &name_SystemParamsPassword },
- { "BuildTime", &name_BuildTime },
- { "ByteOrder", &name_ByteOrder },
- { "RealFormat", &name_RealFormat },
- { "MaxFontCache", &name_MaxFontCache },
- { "CurFontCache", &name_CurFontCache },
- names_def_end
- };
- init_names(uspn);
- }
- /* ------ Language level operators ------ */
- /* - .languagelevel <1 or 2> */
- private int
- zlanguagelevel(register os_ptr op)
- { push(1);
- ref_assign(op, &ref_language_level);
- return 0;
- }
- /* <1 or 2> .setlanguagelevel - */
- private int
- zsetlanguagelevel(register os_ptr op)
- { int code = 0;
- check_type(*op, t_integer);
- if ( op->value.intval < 1 || op->value.intval > 2 )
- return_error(e_rangecheck);
- if ( op->value.intval != ref_language_level.value.intval )
- { code = set_language_level((int)op->value.intval);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- }
- pop(1);
- ref_assign_old(&ref_language_level, op, "setlanguagelevel");
- return code;
- }
- /* ------ User and system parameters ------ */
- /* <dict> setsystemparams - */
- private int
- zsetsystemparams(register os_ptr op)
- { int code;
- int ival;
- password pass;
- check_read_type(*op, t_dictionary);
- if ( SystemParamsPassword.size != 0 )
- { code = dict_password_param(op, &name_Password, &pass);
- if ( code ) return (code < 0 ? code : e_invalidaccess);
- if ( pass.size != SystemParamsPassword.size ||
- bytes_compare(&pass.data[0], pass.size,
- &SystemParamsPassword.data[0],
- SystemParamsPassword.size) != 0
- )
- return_error(e_invalidaccess);
- }
- code = dict_password_param(op, &name_SystemParamsPassword, &pass);
- if ( code <= 0 )
- { if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- SystemParamsPassword = pass;
- }
- code = dict_int_param(op, &name_MaxFontCache, 0, max_int, 0, &ival);
- switch ( code )
- {
- default: /* invalid */
- return code;
- case 1: /* missing */
- break;
- case 0:
- /****** NOT IMPLEMENTED YET ******/
- ;
- }
- pop(1);
- return 0;
- }
- /* - .currentsystemparams <name1> <value1> ... */
- private int
- zcurrentsystemparams(os_ptr op)
- { register os_ptr rop = op;
- #if arch_floats_are_IEEE
- static const char rfs[] = "IEEE";
- #else
- static const char rfs[] = "not IEEE";
- #endif
- static const ref _ds *spn[] = {
- &name_ByteOrder, &name_RealFormat, &name_BuildTime,
- &name_MaxFontCache, &name_CurFontCache
- };
- #define num_sp countof(spn)
- uint cstat[7];
- push(num_sp * 2);
- names_to_stack(rop, spn, num_sp);
- rop += 2;
- make_bool(rop, !arch_is_big_endian);
- rop += 2;
- make_const_string(rop, a_readonly, sizeof(rfs) - 1,
- (const byte *)rfs);
- rop += 2;
- make_int(rop, 0); /* BOGUS */
- gs_cachestatus(ifont_dir, cstat);
- rop += 2;
- make_int(rop, cstat[1]);
- rop += 2;
- make_int(rop, cstat[0]);
- #undef num_sp
- return 0;
- }
- /* <dict> setuserparams - */
- private int
- zsetuserparams(register os_ptr op)
- { int code;
- int ival;
- check_read_type(*op, t_dictionary);
- code = dict_int_param(op, &name_MaxFontItem, 0, max_int, 0, &ival);
- switch ( code )
- {
- default: /* invalid */
- return code;
- case 1: /* missing */
- break;
- case 0:
- if ( (code = gs_setcacheupper(ifont_dir, ival)) < 0 )
- return code;
- }
- code = dict_int_param(op, &name_MinFontCompress, 0, max_int, 0, &ival);
- switch ( code )
- {
- default: /* invalid */
- return code;
- case 1: /* missing */
- break;
- case 0:
- if ( (code = gs_setcachelower(ifont_dir, ival)) < 0 )
- return code;
- }
- pop(1);
- return 0;
- }
- /* - .currentuserparams <name1> <value1> ... */
- private int
- zcurrentuserparams(os_ptr op)
- { register os_ptr rop = op;
- long cur_vm, max_vm;
- static const ref _ds *upn[] = {
- &name_MaxFontItem, &name_MinFontCompress,
- &name_MaxOpStack, &name_MaxDictStack, &name_MaxExecStack,
- &name_MaxLocalVM
- };
- #define num_up countof(upn)
- push(num_up * 2);
- names_to_stack(rop, upn, num_up);
- rop += 2;
- make_int(rop, gs_currentcacheupper(ifont_dir));
- rop += 2;
- make_int(rop, gs_currentcachelower(ifont_dir));
- rop += 2;
- make_int(rop, ostop - osbot + 1);
- rop += 2;
- make_int(rop, dstop - dsbot + 1);
- rop += 2;
- make_int(rop, estop - esbot + 1);
- alloc_status(&cur_vm, &max_vm);
- rop += 2;
- make_int(rop, max_vm);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ The 'where' hack ------ */
- private int
- z2where(register os_ptr op)
- { /*
- * Aldus Freehand versions 2.x check for the presence of the
- * setcolor operator, and if it is missing, substitute a procedure.
- * Unfortunately, the procedure takes different parameters from
- * the operator. As a result, files produced by this application
- * cause an error if the setcolor operator is actually defined.
- * Aldus fixed this bug in Freehand 3.0, but there are a lot of
- * files created by the older versions still floating around.
- * Therefore, at Adobe's suggestion, we implement the following
- * dreadful hack in the 'where' operator:
- * If the key is /setcolor,
- * there is a dictionary named FreeHandDict, and
- * currentdict is that dictionary,
- * then "where" consults only that dictionary and not any other
- * dictionaries on the dictionary stack.
- */
- const ref *pdref = dsp;
- ref *pvalue;
- if ( !obj_eq(op, &name_setcolor) ||
- (pvalue = dict_find_name(&name_FreeHandDict)) == 0 ||
- !obj_eq(pvalue, pdref)
- )
- return zwhere(op);
- check_dict_read(*pdref);
- if ( dict_find(pdref, op, &pvalue) > 0 )
- { ref_assign(op, pdref);
- push(1);
- make_true(op);
- }
- else
- make_false(op);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Initialization procedure ------ */
- /* The level setting ops are recognized even in Level 1 mode. */
- op_def zmisc2_level_op_defs[] = {
- {"0.languagelevel", zlanguagelevel},
- {"1.setlanguagelevel", zsetlanguagelevel},
- op_def_end(0)
- };
- op_def zmisc2_op_defs[] = {
- {"0.currentsystemparams", zcurrentsystemparams},
- {"0.currentuserparams", zcurrentuserparams},
- {"1setsystemparams", zsetsystemparams},
- {"1setuserparams", zsetuserparams},
- /* Note that this overrides the definition in zdict.c. */
- {"1where", z2where},
- op_def_end(zmisc2_init)
- };
- /* ------ Internal procedures ------ */
- /* Adjust the interpreter for a change in language level. */
- /* This is used for the setlanguage level operator, */
- /* and after a restore. */
- private int
- set_language_level(int level)
- { if ( level == 2 ) /* from Level 1 to Level 2 */
- { /* Insert globaldict in the dictionary stack. */
- /* memcpy isn't guaranteed to work top-to-bottom. */
- ref ndict;
- ref *pdict;
- int code;
- register ds_ptr dp = dsp;
- if ( dsp == dstop )
- return_error(e_dictstackoverflow);
- code = name_ref((const byte *)"globaldict", 10, &ndict, -1);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- code = dict_find(level2dict, &ndict, &pdict);
- if ( code <= 0 )
- return_error(e_undefined);
- if ( !r_has_type(pdict, t_dictionary) )
- return_error(e_typecheck);
- while ( dp > dsbot ) dp[1] = *dp, dp--;
- dsbot[1] = *pdict;
- min_dstack_size++;
- dsp++;
- /* Set other flags for Level 2 operation. */
- dict_auto_expand = 1;
- }
- else /* from Level 1 to Level 1 */
- { /* Remove globaldict from the dictionary stack. */
- memcpy((char *)(dsbot + 1), (const char *)(dsbot + 2),
- (int)((char *)dsp - (char *)(dsbot + 1)));
- min_dstack_size--;
- dsp--;
- /* Set other flags for Level 1 operation. */
- dict_auto_expand = 0;
- }
- /* Swap the contents of level2dict and systemdict. */
- { int index = dict_first(level2dict);
- ref elt[2]; /* key, value */
- ref *pvalue;
- ref old_value;
- while ( (index = dict_next(level2dict, index, &elt[0])) >= 0 )
- { int found = dict_find(systemdict, &elt[0], &pvalue);
- switch ( found )
- {
- default: /* <0, error */
- return found;
- case 0: /* missing */
- make_null(&old_value);
- break;
- case 1: /* present */
- old_value = *pvalue;
- }
- if ( r_has_type(&elt[1], t_null) )
- dict_undef(systemdict, &elt[0]);
- else
- dict_put(systemdict, &elt[0], &elt[1]);
- dict_put(level2dict, &elt[0], &old_value);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Copy names to the stack. */
- private void
- names_to_stack(os_ptr rop, const ref _ds * _ds * pnames, int count)
- { for ( ++rop; count; rop += 2, pnames++, count-- )
- *rop = **pnames;
- }
- /* Get a password from a dictionary. */
- /* Return 0 if present, 1 if absent, or an error code. */
- private int
- dict_password_param(const ref *pdict, const ref *pname, password *ppass)
- { ref *rpass;
- int code = dict_find(pdict, pname, &rpass);
- if ( code < 0 ) return 1;
- switch ( r_type(rpass) )
- {
- case t_integer:
- obj_cvs(rpass, &ppass->data[0], max_password, &ppass->size);
- break;
- case t_string:
- { uint size = r_size(rpass);
- check_read(*rpass);
- if ( size > max_password )
- return_error(e_limitcheck);
- memcpy(&ppass->data[0], rpass->value.const_bytes, size);
- ppass->size = size;
- } break;
- default:
- return_error(e_typecheck);
- }
- return 0;
- }